Spirit, Mind, & Body Resources for Making Neurochoices
The Creation and Maintenance of Wellness by Dr. Charlotte A. Tomaino

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Join in The Year of Mercy
Pope Francis, who embraces people from all traditions, calls the world forth in this ‘Year of Mercy’ to open our hearts and be moved by the worlds suffering, to reach out and contribute in the reordering within our selves and within the world we have created.
Awakening the Brain
Where Belief Meets Science
Nationally recognized neuropsychologist and former Catholic nun Dr. Charlotte Tomaino offers scientific evidence side by side with first-hand experience to demonstrate how belief can change the very structure of the brain to release our full potential.
With more than 30 years of clinical experience as a neuropsychologist, Tomaino has helped hundreds of patients recover from brain injuries and now offers compelling proof that our thought process has a profound effect on our brain function.
Learn a simple set of exercises that will help you broaden your skill set, leverage your intuition, and live at your full potential.